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################################################################################ -- balprob -- This sql looks for NB time or cost on billable matters, -- PB time or cost with non-zero bill amount. -- This sql also compares the time and cost tables to the ledger table -- and looks for time/cost records modified or billed in an earlier -- period than worked. -- Change the period in 10 places (7 current period, 3 next period) -- Change the NB practice code if different -- Chnage the time and cost ledger codes if different -- Look for NB time/cost on billable matter select tindex, tmatter, tstatus, tbilldol from timecard,matter where tmatter=mmatter and mprac<>"9000" and tstatus like "NB*" order by tindex; select cindex, cmatter, cstatus, cbillamt from cost, matter where cmatter=mmatter and mprac<>"9000" and cstatus like "NB*" order by cindex; -- Look for PB time/cost where billable amount <> 0 select tindex from timecard where tstatus = "PB" and tbilldol<>0 order by tindex; select cindex from cost where cstatus="PB" and cbillamt<>0 order by cindex; --Compare Timecard Table to Ledger Table select tmatter,tinvoice,sum(tbilldol) tbilldol into #t1 from timecard where tbiper="1000" and tstatus<>"NBP" group by tmatter,tinvoice; select lmatter,linvoice,sum(lamount) lamount into #t2 from ledger where lperiod="1000" and llcode="FEES" group by lmatter,linvoice; select tmatter,tinvoice,tbilldol,lamount into #t3 from #t1 left outer join #t2 on tmatter=lmatter and tinvoice=linvoice; select lmatter,linvoice,tbilldol,lamount into #t4 from #t2 left outer join #t1 on tmatter=lmatter and tinvoice=linvoice; delete from #t4 where tbilldol is not null; insert into #t3 select * from #t4; update #t3 set tbilldol=0 where tbilldol is null; update #t3 set lamount=0 where lamount is null; select * from #t3 where lamount<>tbilldol order by tmatter,tinvoice -- Compare Cost Table to Ledger Table select cmatter,cinvoice,cledger,sum(cbillamt) cbillamt into #t1a from cost where cbiper="1000" and cstatus<>"NBP"; group by cmatter,cinvoice,cledger; select lmatter,linvoice,llcode,sum(lamount) lamount into #t2a from ledger where lperiod="1000" and llcode in ("HCOST","SCOST") group by lmatter,linvoice,llcode; select cmatter,cinvoice,cledger,cbillamt,lamount into #t3a from #t1a left outer join #t2a on cmatter=lmatter and cinvoice=linvoice and cledger=llcode; select lmatter,linvoice,llcode,cbillamt,lamount into #t4a from #t2a left outer join #t1a on cmatter=lmatter and cinvoice=linvoice and cledger=llcode; delete from #t4a where cbillamt is not null; insert into #t3a select * from #t4a; update #t3a set cbillamt=0 where cbillamt is null; update #t3a set lamount=0 where lamount is null; select * from #t3a where lamount<>cbillamt order by cmatter,cinvoice -- Look for time/cost worked in the current period or future period and -- modified in a period earlier than the work period. -- For the current work, enter the current period in 1 place. select auindex,auidx from auditt, periodt p1, periodt p2 where auper= "1000" and and and p1.pebedt>p2.pebedt order by auindex; -- For the future (next) period, enter the next period in 1 place. select auindex,auidx from auditt, periodt p1, periodt p2 where auper= "1100" and and and p1.pebedt>p2.pebedt order by auindex; -- Look for time worked in the current period or future period and -- billed in a period earlier than the work period. -- For the current work, enter the current period in 1 place. select tindex,twoper,tbiper,tbilldol from timecard, periodt p1, periodt p2 where twoper= "1000" and and and p1.pebedt> p2.pebedt order by tindex; -- For the future (next) period, enter the next period in 1 place. select tindex,twoper,tbiper,tbilldol from timecard, periodt p1, periodt p2 where twoper= "1100" and and and p1.pebedt> p2.pebedt order by tindex; -- Look for cost worked in the current period or future period and -- billed in a period earlier than the work period. -- For the current work, enter the current period in 1 place. select cindex,cdiper,cbiper,cbillamt from cost, periodt p1, periodt p2 where cdiper= "1000" and and and p1.pebedt> p2.pebedt order by cindex; -- For the future (next) period, enter the next period in 1 place. select cindex,cdiper,cbiper,cbillamt from cost, periodt p1, periodt p2 where cdiper= "1100" and and and p1.pebedt> p2.pebedt order by cindex; ################################################################################