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################################################################################ # # Module: # # Description: Check for glpost records where glpost.gpbatch is null # # This program will determine if any glpost records # exist where the gpbatch field has not been successfully # updated when the audit batch was finalized. # # Author: Peter R. Schmidt and Mary Ann Tracy # # Change Log # # Date Person Description # # 01/17/2005 Mary Ann Tracy Start Program # ################################################################################ # # if [ $# != 2 ] # then # echo "Usage:" # exit 1 # fi # ################################################################################ if [ "x$INFORMIXDIR" = "x" ] then . /elite/custom/run.elite # Set the informix environment fi TMPFILE1=$DBTEMP/ck_glpost.tmp rm -f $TMPFILE1 rm -f ck_glpost.out cls echo "Please wait... This may take several mintues." ############################################################################### # Check for unbatched audit records, quit if records exist AUCNT=`dbaccess son_db <<-EOF 2>/dev/null | egrep -v "count|retrieved|Database closed|^$" select count(*) from auditt where aubatch is null; EOF ` if [ $AUCNT -gt 0 ]; then echo echo echo "Warning: $AUCNT unbatched audit records exist." echo echo "Please include all audit records into batches and finalize." echo echo "Press <ENTER> to quit " read answer exit 0 fi ############################################################################### # Check for unfinalized batches, quit if records exist BTCNT=`dbaccess son_db <<-EOF 2>/dev/null | egrep -v "count|retrieved|Database closed|^$" select count(*) from batch where bfindt is null; EOF ` if [ $BTCNT -gt 0 ]; then echo echo echo "Warning: $BTCNT unfinalized batches exist." echo echo "Please finalize all batches and try again." echo echo "Press <ENTER> to quit " read answer exit 0 fi ############################################################################### # Check for glpost records with null batch, # if any exist, send count and audit batch info to ck_glpost.out GLCNT=`dbaccess son_db <<-EOF 2>/dev/null | egrep -v "count|retrieved|Database closed|^$" select count(glpost.gpnum) from glpost where glpost.gpbatch is null; EOF ` if [ $GLCNT -gt 0 ]; then dbaccess son_db <<-EOF > ck_glpost.out 2>/dev/null select count(glpost.gpnum) Count, auditt.aupert AuditPd, auditt.aubatch AuditBt from glpost, auditt where glpost.gpaudit=auditt.auindex and auditt.aubatch is not null and glpost.gpbatch is null group by auditt.aupert, auditt.aubatch order by auditt.aupert, auditt.aubatch; EOF echo echo echo "Warning: $GLCNT glpost records exist that have not been " echo " successfully updated with a batch number." echo echo "Results have been recorded in ck_glpost.out." echo echo echo "If no results are recorded in ck_glpost.out there may still" echo "be a problem, please contact PRS Technologies for assistance." echo echo "Please press <Enter> to continue." read answer pg ck_glpost.out else echo "No glpost records exist without batch numbers." echo echo "Please press <Enter> to continue." read answer exit 0 fi ################################################################################