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############################################################################### # # Module: dupe_cost1.4gl # Author: Peter R. Schmidt # Description: Find and isolate duplicate costs # # Augument 1 optional: batch period to process # Augument 2 optional: only process batches >= arg 2 # Augument 3 optional: only process batches <= arg 3 # Augument 4 optional: batch operator # Augument 5 optional: debug = Y # # Change Log # # Date Name Description................. # 05/31/01 Peter R. Schmidt Start Program # 07/19/01 Peter R. Schmidt Improvements # ############################################################################### database son_db ############################################################################### globals define select_period char(4) define seltxt char(1024) define batch1 integer define batch2 integer define batch_bop char(8) define dq char(1) define flag_debug integer define report_name char(50) define p_batch1 record like batch.* define p_cost2 record like cost.* define p_cost3 record like cost.* define p_cost4 record like cost.* define p_costdesc record like costdesc.* define a_desc1 array[100] of char(48) define a_desc2 array[100] of char(48) define a_max integer define x integer define y integer define z integer end globals ############################################################################### main define flag_dupe_cost1 integer define flag_dupe_batch1 integer define cnt_100 integer define cnt_cursor2 integer define cnt_save1 integer define cnt_save2 integer define cnt_dupe1 integer define cnt_dupe2 integer define cnt_temp1 integer SET ISOLATION TO DIRTY READ if num_args() < 1 or num_args() > 5 then display "Usage: cost_dupe1.4ge [period] [minimum batch] [maximum batch] [bop] [debug=1]" exit program 1 end if call startlog("dupe_cost1.log") let select_period = arg_val(1) if num_args() >= 2 then let batch1 = arg_val(2) end if if num_args() >= 3 then let batch2 = arg_val(3) end if if num_args() >= 4 then let batch_bop = arg_val(4) if batch_bop = "-" then let batch_bop = NULL end if end if if num_args() >= 5 then let flag_debug = arg_val(5) end if if batch1 IS NULL then let batch1 = 0 end if if batch2 IS NULL then let batch2 = 0 end if if flag_debug IS NULL then let flag_debug = 0 end if display "" display "Check for duplicate costs for period: ",select_period if batch1 > 0 then display "Only process batches >= ",batch1 using "<<<<<<<&" end if if batch2 > 0 then display "Only process batches <= ",batch2 using "<<<<<<<&" end if display "" let cnt_save1 = 0 let cnt_save2 = 0 let cnt_dupe1 = 0 let cnt_dupe2 = 0 let a_max = 100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create temp table dupe_index1 ( cindex integer ) with no log create index i_dupe_index1 on dupe_index1(cindex) create temp table not_dupe_index2 ( cindex integer ) with no log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- let dq = ASCII(34) let seltxt = "select * from batch where btype = 'C' " if select_period IS NOT NULL and select_period <> "-" then let seltxt = seltxt clipped," and bper = ", dq,select_period,dq end if if batch1 > 0 then let seltxt = seltxt clipped," and bbatch >= ", dq,batch1 using "<<<<<<<<<&",dq end if if batch2 > 0 then let seltxt = seltxt clipped," and bbatch <= ", dq,batch2 using "<<<<<<<<<&",dq end if if batch_bop IS NOT NULL then let seltxt = seltxt clipped," and bop = ", dq,batch_bop clipped,dq end if let seltxt = seltxt clipped," order by bbatch desc" call errorlog(seltxt) prepare statmt1 from seltxt declare cursor1 cursor for statmt1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- let seltxt = "select * from cost where ", "cbatch < ? ", "and cmatter = ? " ## if batch1 > 0 then ## let seltxt = seltxt clipped," and cbatch >= ", ## dq,batch1 using "<<<<<<<<<&",dq," " ## end if let seltxt = seltxt clipped, " and cdisbdt = ? ", " and cquant = ? ", " and crate = ? ", " and camount = ? ", " and ctk = ? ", " and cledger = ? ", " and ccode = ? ", " and cauth = ? ", " and cloc = ? ", " and cindex <> ?" prepare statmt3 from seltxt declare cursor3 cursor for statmt3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- let seltxt = "select * from costdesc where cindex = ? order by cdline" prepare statmt5 from seltxt declare cursor5 cursor for statmt5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- start report list_dupes to "dupe_cost1.out" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- open cursor1 foreach cursor1 into p_batch1.* # get one row per batch display "Checking batch ",p_batch1.bbatch using "<<<<<<<&" let cnt_100 = 0 let cnt_cursor2 = 0 let cnt_dupe1 = 0 let flag_dupe_batch1 = FALSE drop table not_dupe_index2 create temp table not_dupe_index2 ( cindex integer ) with no log create temp table dupe_index2 ( cindex integer ) with no log declare cursor2 cursor for select * from cost where cbatch = p_batch1.bbatch order by cindex,cdisbdt,cmatter foreach cursor2 into p_cost2.* # get all the costs in the batch let flag_dupe_cost1 = FALSE if flag_debug > 0 then let cnt_cursor2 = cnt_cursor2 + 1 let cnt_100 = cnt_100 + 1 if cnt_100 = 500 then display "Processed ",cnt_cursor2 using "<<<,<<<,<<&"," costs ","" let cnt_100 = 0 end if end if open cursor3 using # Does this cost have any dupes ? p_cost2.cbatch, p_cost2.cmatter, p_cost2.cdisbdt, p_cost2.cquant, p_cost2.crate, p_cost2.camount, p_cost2.ctk, p_cost2.cledger, p_cost2.ccode, p_cost2.cauth, p_cost2.cloc, p_cost2.cindex foreach cursor3 into p_cost3.* -- looks very similar - is the narrative the same ? let x = 0 let y = 0 open cursor5 using p_cost2.cindex foreach cursor5 into p_costdesc.* let x = x + 1 if x > a_max then exit foreach end if let a_desc1[x] = p_costdesc.cddesc end foreach open cursor5 using p_cost3.cindex foreach cursor5 into p_costdesc.* let y = y + 1 if y > a_max then exit foreach end if let a_desc2[y] = p_costdesc.cddesc end foreach if x > 0 then # if narrative exists... # If different number of line of narrative, # then not a dupe if x <> y then exit foreach end if for z = 1 to x # If narrative not the same - not a dupe if a_desc1[z] <> a_desc2[z] then exit foreach end if end for end if -- Ok - looks like a dupe -- Has this cost previously been recorded as a dupe ? select count(*) into cnt_temp1 from dupe_index2 where dupe_index2.cindex = p_cost3.cindex if cnt_temp1 IS NULL then let cnt_temp1 = 0 end if if cnt_temp1 = 0 then # not previously recorded as a dupe let flag_dupe_cost1 = TRUE let flag_dupe_batch1 = TRUE let cnt_dupe1 = cnt_dupe1 + 1 let cnt_dupe2 = cnt_dupe2 + 1 output to report list_dupes (p_cost2.*,p_cost3.*) -- Record the index # of all dupes insert into dupe_index2 values (p_cost3.cindex) # Once I decided this is a dupe, there is no reason # to check further because I only want to find out # if the 'current' cost needs to be put into the # 'good' pile or the 'bad/dupe' pile. # It doesn't matter how many times it got duplicated # as far as this cost is concerned EXIT FOREACH # only match up 1 dupe end if end foreach # IF NOT A DUPE - SAVE THE INDEX NUMBER if flag_dupe_cost1 = FALSE then insert into not_dupe_index2 values (p_cost2.cindex) end if end foreach # << END OF ALL COSTS FOR A BATCH close cursor2 if flag_debug > 0 then display cnt_cursor2 using "<<<,<<<,<<&"," costs in batch" end if if flag_dupe_batch1 = TRUE then # DID THIS BATCH HAVE ANY DUPE COSTS ? let cnt_save1 = 0 -- copy index of dupes found into 'permanent' table insert into dupe_index1 select unique * from dupe_index2 update statistics for table dupe_index1 display cnt_dupe1 using "<<<,<<<,<<&", " Dupes found - saving non dupes for batch: ", p_batch1.bbatch using "<<<<<<<&" let report_name = "save_", p_batch1.bbatch using "<<<<<<<&", ".txt" start report save_non_dupes to report_name declare cursor4 cursor for select cost.* from cost, not_dupe_index2 where cost.cindex = not_dupe_index2.cindex foreach cursor4 into p_cost4.* output to report save_non_dupes(p_cost4.*) let cnt_save1 = cnt_save1 + 1 let cnt_save2 = cnt_save2 + 1 end foreach close cursor4 finish report save_non_dupes display cnt_save1 using "<<<,<<<,<<&"," non-dupes saved" end if drop table dupe_index2 end foreach close cursor1 finish report list_dupes drop table dupe_index1 display "" display cnt_dupe2 using "<<<,<<<,<<&"," dupes found" display cnt_save2 using "<<<,<<<,<<&"," non-dupes saved" end main ############################################################################### report save_non_dupes (cost3) define cost3 record like cost.* OUTPUT TOP MARGIN 0 BOTTOM MARGIN 0 LEFT MARGIN 0 PAGE LENGTH 1 FORMAT ON EVERY ROW print "DO" print cost3.cdisbdt using "mmddyy" print cost3.cmatter print cost3.cquant using "<<<<<<<&" print cost3.crate using "<<<<<<<.&&" print cost3.camount using "<<<<<<<<<.&&" print cost3.ccode print cost3.ctk print cost3.cauth print cost3.cloc open cursor5 using cost3.cindex foreach cursor5 into p_costdesc.* print p_costdesc.cddesc clipped end foreach skip 1 line END REPORT ############################################################################### report list_dupes (cost1,cost2) define cost1 record like cost.* define cost2 record like cost.* OUTPUT TOP MARGIN 0 BOTTOM MARGIN 0 LEFT MARGIN 0 PAGE LENGTH 60 ORDER EXTERNAL BY cost1.cbatch FORMAT PAGE HEADER print column 1, "Duplicate Cost Report", column 50, TODAY print column 50, TIME skip 1 line { 1 2 3 4 5 6 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 BBBBBBBB mm/dd/yy BBBBBBBB mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy CCODEEE MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB mm/dd/yy CCODEEE MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA } ON EVERY ROW print column 1, cost1.cbatch using "#######&", column 10, cost2.cbatch using "#######&", column 19, cost1.cdisbdt using "mm/dd/yy", column 28, cost1.ccode, column 36, cost1.cmatter, column 52, cost1.camount using "----,---,---.&&" AFTER GROUP OF cost1.cbatch SKIP 1 LINE ON LAST ROW print count(*) using "<<<,<<<,<<&", " dupes found" print sum(cost1.camount) using "-<<<,<<<,<<<.&&", " dollars worked" END REPORT ###############################################################################