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################################################################################ # Delete (or recycle) all Elite reports for a selected user over a certain age # that has a NULL filename or where the ascii file pointed to by elite is missing. # for a specific user id rm -f delete_id.unl rm -f delete_rpt.out rm -f winoutstat_old.unl rm -f winoutstat_delete.unl if [ ! -d RECYCLE_BIN1 ]; then mkdir RECYCLE_BIN1 fi echo "enter USER id (or * for all users)" read USER echo echo "enter how many days old to delete" read AGE echo "backup the winoutstat table." dbaccess son_db <<-EOF --unload to "winoutstat.unl" select * from winoutstat; unload to "winoutstat_old.unl" select * from winoutstat where (today - wodate0) > $AGE and wofile2 IS NULL and wouser matches "*${USER}*"; EOF echo echo "Unloading older rows from table..." IFS="|" while read WOINDEX WOUSER WOUSER1 WOREPORT WOTITLE WOFILE WODATE0 WOTIME0 WOSTAT1 WODESC1 WODATE1 WOTIME1 WOSTAT2 WODESC2 WODATE2 WOTIME2 WOFILE2 WOPID do if [ "${WOFILE}x" = "x" ]; then echo "NO FILENAME for $WOUSER on $WODATE0 $WOREPORT " | tee -a delete_rpt.out echo "$WOINDEX" >> delete_id.unl continue fi if [ -s $WOFILE ]; then continue else echo "$WOFILE for $WOUSER on $WODATE0 is missing $WOREPORT " | tee -a delete_rpt.out echo "$WOINDEX" >> delete_id.unl fi done < winoutstat_old.unl echo echo "select records to be deleted from winoutstat." dbaccess son_db <<-EOF create temp table peter1 (f1 integer); !echo "load id's to be deleted into temp table" load from "delete_id.unl" insert into peter1; !echo "Unload records to be deleted into ascii file" unload to "winoutstat_delete.unl" select * from winoutstat where woindex in (select f1 from peter1) order by wouser, wodate0; EOF echo "Printing Report" awk ' \ BEGIN { FS="|" } { WOINDEX=$1 WOUSER=$2 WOUSER1=$3 WOREPORT=$4 WOTITLE=$5 WOFILE=$6 WODATE0=$7 WOTIME0=$8 WOSTAT1=$9 WODESC1=$10 WODATE1=$11 WOTIME1=$12 WOSTAT2=$13 WODESC2=$14 WODATE2=$15 WOTIME2=$16 WOFILE2=$17 WOPID=$18 printf "%-8s %-10s %s %s\n",WOUSER,WODATE0,WOFILE,WOREPORT } ' winoutstat_delete.unl > delete_rpt.out pg delete_rpt.out echo echo "Press <Enter> to delete records ( <INTERRUPT> to quit )" read answer echo echo "delete records from winoutstat..." dbaccess son_db <<-EOF create temp table peter1 (f1 integer); !echo "load id's to be deleted into temp table" load from "delete_id.unl" insert into peter1; !echo "delete rows..." delete from winoutstat where woindex in (select f1 from peter1); EOF echo echo "Removing empty files..." echo while read WOINDEX WOUSER WOUSER1 WOREPORT WOTITLE WOFILE WODATE0 WOTIME0 WOSTAT1 WODESC1 WODATE1 WOTIME1 WOSTAT2 WODESC2 WODATE2 WOTIME2 WOFILE2 WOPID do if [ "${WOFILE}x" = "x" ]; then continue fi if [ -s $WOFILE ]; then continue else if [ -f $WOFILE ]; then ls -ls $WOFILE | tee -a delete_rpt.out mv $WOFILE RECYCLE_BIN1 fi fi done < winoutstat_old.unl echo echo "Completed" ################################################################################